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Most organizations pre-screen potential candidates during the hiring process. They understand that pre-employment background checks minimize the risk to their business, their employees and their customers. The organization also assumes that a person's history will determine their current and future actions.
But what happens if a candidate passes a background check and then commits a crime? Can an employer or hiring manager assume a background check is valid for a specific amount of time?
Let's say an employee, or even a volunteer, passed a pre-employment screening with flying colors. It's been 5, 10, or even 20 years since that employee was hired. Or perhaps the volunteer returns year after year for the same job such as a youth camp counselor. A lot may have changed in that time period. Are you positive that your clientele is still safe? Are you sure that your business can't be held liable for negligent hiring practices?
A good rule of thumb for the validity of a background check could be 2 to 5 years but again, there are certain circumstances when re-screening may be necessary.
As mentioned, most organizations only do background checks upon hiring. There is, however, a trend of employers running rolling background checks or continuous screens on current employees to avoid any potential claims of negligence or violence in the workplace.
So how often should employees be re-screened? There are too many other unanswered questions to give one answer:
A background check is a snapshot in time and is only as valid as the information required to perform their daily duties safely and without incident.
How to Update Your HR Policy to Include Continuous Background Checks
Considering the cost of an initial pre-employment background check, many hiring managers may take pause at the thought of spending more every 2 - 5 years, per employee. When running pre-employment background checks, the candidate was probably screened with an Identity Check, Employment Verification, Education Verification and Criminal Background Check. Since the employee identity has been verified and their employment and educational background has probably not changed, the only background checks that may need to be considered are criminal background checks. If the employee needs their driving record or financial records checked, these would also need to be added.
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